Why are you ruining your child’s life? Or so they say . . .
Your teenager’s brain is under construction. Look closely and you can see the yellow warning tape around their brain. Remember that.
They crave and demand their independence and yet, they are not savvy enough to take on the responsibilities. Impulse control and problem solving are not in gear.
Listen in as we answer these
1. Would you say your kid’s behavior or outcomes depend on more than just parenting?
2. Can you spoil a child by loving them too much?
3. For the first time ever, more than half of all young adults have moved back in with their parents. recent study by the Pew Research Center. (52% 18-34 yr.) How do you deal with dis-respectful adult children?
4. Do you think it is normal for parents to blame themselves on their parenting skills?
5. How can you be a safe haven to your children?
6. What was your goal in raising your children?